BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files, and it has been estimated that it accounts for roughly 27-55% of all Internet traffic. In order to simulate BitTorrent protocol over OMNET++, you want to try out the BitTorrent module from Mobile Multimedia Laboratory which is part of the Telecommunications Services Group of the Dept. of Computer Science of the Athens University of Economics and Business.
BitTorrent for OMNeT++ provides a set of modules that implement a full featured and extensible realization of the BitTorrent protocol for the OMNeT++ simulation platform. The primary goal of our implementation is to establish a realistic simulation environment that will incorporate important protocol stack features ranging from the application logic to the underlying network topology.
Our implementation of BitTorrent includes both the Peer-Wire and Tracker protocols, as described in BitTorrent Protocol Specification v1.0. The specification has been implemented in its entirety excluding the "Anti-snubbing" feature due to its ambiguous definition in the specification and the multiplicity of alternate takes in available implementations. The corresponding modules are based on the underlying INET framework.
Furthermore, we have paid special attention to the underlying network topology as well as the deployment process. To this end we took advantage of the rich set of scenario deployment features provided by the OverSim Framework. Namely, we extended the BRITE topology generator export tool to enable full support of the very popular Georgia Tech Internet Topology Model (GT-ITM) topologies within OverSim's IPv4Uunderlay model, including support for routing policy weights. Furthermore, our extended topology model also provides support for Autonomous System (AS) numbers (i.e. AS numbers are available to network entities). This feature is expected to assist research targeting locality properties of BitTorrent. Finally, IPv4Uunderlay model has been extended to also support assymetric access links.
You can download the current version of the BitTorrent modules by using the link below. For installation instructions and further information please refer to the README file in the source code archive.
[bittorrent-1.1.tar.gz - 71 KB]